Voxidov, U., Voxidov, N., Shamsiev, D., Nuriddinov, X., & Kaxxorov, A. (2021). ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS OF CHRONIC POLYPOSIS RHINOSINUSITIS ANALYSIS OF TREATMENT RESULTS. Stomatologiya, 1(1 (82), 95–99. Retrieved from https://uzda.uz/index.php/stomatologiya/article/view/76


The aim of the study was to investigate the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis. We studied 125 patients with chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis, which held extensive clinical and laboratory studies, which included research rhinoendoscopy and performed endoscopic surgery. The study showed that the use of endoscopy meets the requirements of modem otolaryngology, is timely and indispensable in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis, which will help the doctor, otolaryngologist choose the tactics of treatment of intranasal abnormalities.


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