Toirov, E., Zoirov, T., & Absalamova, N. (2020). IMPROVEMENT OF THE TREATMENT OF THE PATHOLOGY OF THE PERIODENTAL TISSUES IN PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUSE. Stomatologiya, 1(3(80), 21–26. Retrieved from


Material and methods: the results of treatment of 122 patients with inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa admitted to the orthopedic department of the Samarkand regional dental clinic were analyzed. The main group included 84 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, who received ozone therapy m order to improve the microcirculation of the periodontal tissues. The comparison group consisted of 38 patients without somatic pathology. Results: No complications were observed during the complex treatment with the use of a gas ozone-oxygen mixture and sodium hypochlorite solution, patients noted the comfort and painlessness of these procedures. The use of the ozone-oxygen mixture generated by the Prozone derice significantly reduced the need for the use of a number of drugs with unwanted side effects. Ozone therapy has improved blood circulation in the microvasculature by 40%. Conclusions: When using ozone therapy, new conditions are formed, leading to an miprovement in the level of oral hygiene. Ozone has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.


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