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Present study was to optimize the treatment of patients with subglottic laryngeal stenosis. Materials and methods: We have examined a total of 8 patients presenting with subglottic laryngeal stenosis. The etiological factors and underlying conditions of laryngeal stenosis were the prolonged intubation in 5 patients. Wegener granulomatosis in 3 patients. All the patients underwent balloon dilatation with the apphcation of the \ideo endoscopic technique. Results: The surgical treatment of all the patients made it possible to achieve the persistent expansion of the lumen of the subglottic part of the larynx, to shorten the periods of the in-patient treatment and rehabilitation of the patients. Restenosis of laryngeal lining stenting was observed in one patient presenting with Wegener’s granulomatosis which was associated with the relapse of the underlying disease.


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